Stand Up! Help Out! (SUHO) was an apprenticeship program funded by After School Matters, which made it possible for youth to receive compensation and have employment experience. SUHO came about in response to a needs assessment conducted in concert with residents in the Madden Wells community, who wanted their youth to have additional supportive services to develop their leadership and career abilities, and who seek additional education about health and safety issues. Since 2006, SUHO had been steadily funded by After School Matters and had developed with major input from the participating youth and their families.
SUHO and its initiatives were led by Professor Katherine Tyson McCrea (Principal Investigator), Jeffrey Bulanda, Ph.D. (Former Program Director), Angel Pringle, M.S.W. (Former Instructor) and Tamara Holloway-Lee, M.S.W., (Former Instructor). They were located at the University of Chicago, Charter Schools (Donaghue Elementary School and Woodlawn High School).
A considerable amount of support has been provided by faculty at the Loyola University of Chicago. Social work interns at the Loyola University of Chicago School of Social Work provided ongoing counseling support for youth in SUHO.
Special thanks to the work of Professor Elizabeth Coffman of the School of Communications at Loyola University Chicago, youth in SUHO author documentaries with the assistance of Loyola University Chicago Communications students. Another special thanks to our past partnership with the University of Chicago Center for School Improvement too.